New Directions Early Head Start

Philosophy & Commitment
New Directions Early Head Start (NDEHS) provides pregnant people, infants, toddlers, and their families with quality care and family services. We support families by providing the best services for them and their young children. Our goal is to promote children’s success and families’ self-sufficiency through community collaboration and partnerships. This includes both home-based and center-based services for families.
NDEHS Philosophy
- Our relationship with children and families is the primary focus for all that happens in our program.
- Young children learn through daily routines.
- Infants actively pursue their own curricula, thus activities should respond to the child’s interests, abilities, and needs.
- Creating and maintaining a quality program is an ongoing journey.
We commit to serving families by:
- respecting;
- empowering;
- listening to understand;
- building on strengths;
- valuing individuals and their different perspectives; and
- advocating for infants and toddlers.
- encouraging open dialog;
- being flexible, adaptable, responsive and aware;
- supporting the professional growth and development of all team members;
- strengthening our core structure;
- conducting continuous community needs assessment;
- partnering and collaborating with communities and agencies; and
- supporting systems change.